Dog training and behaviour
Dog training and behaviour
Understanding and appreciating the behaviour of dogs underlies everything we do at Dogs Trust. As every dog lover knows, each dog is a unique individual, with their own quirks, delights and challenges! Behaviours develop through a combination of multiple elements including breed, individual personality, medical issues and prior experiences. So understanding why an individual dog develops a problem behaviour can be like a detective mystery - identifying all the different elements which tell his or her story.
In our rehoming centres we are committed to caring for and rehabilitating dogs which have behaviour problems. And in Dogs Trust Dog School our mission is to work with owners to prevent problems developing in the first place!
Pet dogs don't need to be obedience champions, dance to music or speed round an agility course. Of course these activities can be great fun and something to aspire to, but most owners need their dog to sit when asked, walk calmly on a loose lead, come back when called on a walk, and settle down when they stop to natter to their neighbour or have a pint in the pub! And they want their dog to do these things even when there are tempting picnics around, kids running about playing football, or other dogs walking past.
The training we do at Dogs Trust is based on teaching the basic behaviours that dogs and owners need day to day in domestic life. Whether we are working with dogs in our adoption centres and preparing them to go to their forever homes, or teaching owners in Dog School classes, we are focused on doing a thorough job of training the basics!
The other important principle of training at Dogs Trust is that we use reward based methods to train all our dogs. Research has shown that using reward based methods are effective, and less likely to be associated with problem behaviours. This approach also means that dogs have better welfare, enjoy their training and form a better bond with owners or carers - so why would we do anything else?
Dog School
Dogs Trust care for over 15,000 dogs in our centres every year – but we are increasingly aware that dogs are given up to us because they have developed behaviours that their owners find difficult to live with.
Dogs Trust Dog School’s experienced trainers aim to provide high quality, welfare friendly advice on dog training and behaviour during our fun, educational classes. We want to help dog owners to form a life-long bond with their dogs, have a good understanding of the behaviour of their dog and avoid the common pitfalls that can lead to problem behaviours.
Dogs Trust Dog School’s experienced trainers aim to provide high quality, welfare friendly advice on dog training and behaviour during our fun, educational classes. We want to help dog owners to form a life-long bond with their dogs, have a good understanding of the behaviour of their dog and avoid the common pitfalls that can lead to problem behaviours.
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